Educational Strategies

Assorted Stumper Problems 7.1

Assorted Stumper Problems are perfect for Remote Learning.

Because each and every problem is linked to its own video tutorial, children can use this book while working from home.  This makes Assorted Stumper Problems extremely effective for both remote learning or homeschool teaching.  I have my students access this book through their Google Classroom accounts.  I assign each problem separately.  My students complete the problem, watch the tutorial video, and correct their work.  Once complete, they upload a photo of their work to Google Classroom, and I grade their work.

Quality vs Quantity

I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to homework.  I only give my students one problem per day.  However, the problems are designed to allow students to demonstrate a depth of knowledge within each educational strand.  Each booklet contains four problems and four video tutorials.  I do not give homework on Fridays, so these Assorted Stumper Problems work perfectly for a quality over quantity homework plan.








Assorted Stumper Problems
Challenge 7.1.1

You have 3/4 of a Banana Split.  You want to share the banana split with your two best friends – one part for you and one part for each of them.

If you give an equal amount to yourself and each of your friends, how much of this tasty treat will each person get?

1.Complete the algorithm.
2.Create a mathematical model.
3.Make sure your algorithm agrees with your mathematical model.


Assorted Stumper Problems
Challenge 7.1.2

You have been trapped within an ancient prison cell.

Its height is 12 feet high.  Its length is 18 feet long.  And, its width is 5 feet long.

In order to escape, you must draw a net and solve for the surface area of your trap.  Then you must solve for how many cubic feet of air is in your trap?

Assorted Stumper Problems
Challenge 7.1.3

You are standing on a frozen lake in Wisconsin next to these Canadian Geese.  The temperature at noon was 36 degrees.  Now it is 4:00 PM and the temperature is -22 degrees.

Your friend says, “Wow, the temperature just dropped 14 degrees!”

Is your friend correct?

If not – explain the mistake and calculate the actual difference in temperature.

Assorted Stumper Problems
Challenge 7.1.4

You are making some refreshing  Kool-Aid.  The directions say to mix 3 and 1/2 cups of water with 1 cup of Kool-Aid mix.

1.Write a ratio that represents your mixture.

2.How many cups of Kool-Aid mix are needed to make a 14 cup pitcher?

3.What percentage of this drink is Kool-Aid mix?

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Click here to download this book.

This is how I grade my students’ work:
I look at homework in a similar manner to how I used to train when I was competing in gymnastics.  The daily practice was perfecting my skills, so I could excel during competitions.  My students’ homework is an opportunity for them to perfect their skill, so they can demonstrate that they are proficient in completing the educational standards.  If I fell off the rings during practice, but kept training and perfecting my skills until I could perform my routine effectively, then my training was productive.  Likewise, if my students get a problem wrong, but they watch the video tutorial and fix their mistake, then they are learning, and their training is productive.

Obviously, You should grade your students’ work in a manner that fits your philosophy of teaching.  I just wanted to share my philosophy on grading homework.  Do with it what you will.

C Work
Students who only complete the algorithm and the mathematical model (when applicable) receive a C for their efforts.  Even children who make a mistake earn a C, as long as they review their work, and fix their mistakes while watching the video tutorial.

B Work
Students who rewrite the entire problem and/or question as well as completing the algorithm and the mathematical model (when applicable) receive a B for their efforts.  Once again, even children who make a mistake earn a B, as long as they review their work, and fix their mistakes while watching the video tutorial.

A Work
Students who take the time to create an illustration that goes along with the math, rewrite the entire problem and/or question as well as completing the algorithm and the mathematical model receive a A for their efforts.  Once again, even children who make a mistakes earn a A, as long as they review their work, and fix their mistake while watching the video tutorial.

*I ask my students to correct in pen and write a STAR if they got the problem correct, and an SM (Small Mistake) if they made any mistakes.  In this manner, I can see very quickly if one of my students needs a little extra help.

A daily Review of the Entire Year’s Educational Standards:

I have developed Assorted Stumper Problems as a means of reviewing everything that I have taught over the course of the school year.  But there is more – each of the problems are designed in a manner that prepares students for the state testing.  The problems within this book are similar in content and difficulty to the types of problems students will encounter during the CAASP Testing.

Need Help with Multiplication or Division?

I have a series on multiplication and another series on division that are specifically designed for children who do not have all of their multiplication facts memorized.   These series are designed in a similar manner to this book, where each and every problem is linked to a video tutorial.

Click here to see my series on Multiplication.

Click her to see my series on Division.

How about getting a concrete understanding of fractions?

I have a series on illustrating fractions that is specifically designed to build a concrete understanding of this complex concept.  Children who understand fractions at a deeper level are more likely to have a successful educational career .   The series is designed in a similar manner to this book, where each and every problem is linked to a video tutorial.
Here is a link to my series on Fractions.

Thank you for reading this article!

One Last Thing

If you like this post and found it helpful, please leave a brief comment.   As a teacher, perhaps the greatest reward I receive is from parents, children, and fellow teachers who use my strategies of education and succeed.

My mission in life and as an educator is to make people feel empowered, self-assured, and happy about who they are in this world!  We all have gifts to bestow upon our world.  Go forth and do so, and know that you are awesome!

Have a fantastic day – Brian McCoy

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