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Easy to use!
This is great!
The video tutorials are clear and very helpful!
This is another great book!
The lessons are clear and easy to understand.
I absolutely love the videos. They are both informative and funny!
I really like all this author's products.
He does a great job of making the lessons are fun, and creating videos that are easy to understand. His videos help develop a deeper understanding of the math.
Thank you for making fractions fun!
Your videos are wonderful, and so helpful!
Easy to use, great word problems and videos.
Just post on your website or google classroom and students can work at their own pace.
Great for students who need more challenging work. 4th grade
No Title
Over the past few years, I have been trying to put my finger on just what exactly gets kids excited about learning, and I have come up with the three V’s as an answer: videos, visuals, and variety. Luckily, this program has all three working for it… I’ll be using this program and any more Brian McCoy puts up for the rest of my teaching career.