
How to do Long Division - Dividing when your answer is a Decimal (533 ÷ 82 = 6.5) with Online Tutoring in Math

How to do Long Division - Dividing when your answer is a Decimal (533 ÷ 82 = 6.5) with Online Tutoring in Math
Unlock the secret to making division easy, even when your answer is a decimal, with our latest blog post!

This post includes five sample problems to enhance your child’s understanding right from the start.

Dividing large numbers, especially when the result is a decimal, can be incredibly challenging for children. Many students struggle with this concept, leading to frustration and a lack of confidence in their math skills.

Without mastering this essential skill, children may face significant difficulties in more advanced math topics, impacting their overall academic performance. The complexity of dividing large numbers and dealing with decimals can make math feel overwhelming and unattainable.

Our article is designed to make division easy by teaching a variety of effective strategies. In our blog post, your child will:

  • Discover Effective Strategies: Learn multiple methods to ensure success when dividing large numbers, even when the answer is a decimal.
  • Build Confidence: Step-by-step lessons will help your child overcome challenges and master division.
  • Achieve Long-term Success: A solid grasp of division is crucial for future mathematical success.

This is the sixth article in a series of seven, each providing a complete lesson on division. Visit our website (https://www.teachersdungeon.com/) for a comprehensive educational program designed to help kids become proficient in mathematics. By mastering these strategies, your child will gain a deeper, more concrete understanding of division, paving the way for a successful educational journey. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource—empower your child’s learning today!

If you have not read the first article, you can click here to read why my strategies are so very successful.  In this sixth article we will focus on four digit numbers divided when your answer is a decimal.  Every problem has its own video tutorial, offering immediate online tutoring for your child.

When you complete this article, click here to move to the next lesson, How to do Long Division – Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal.

533 ÷ 82 = 6.5

The strategy of counting by the numbers is designed specifically for children who do NOT know their multiplication facts.  My goal is for children is to memorize their multiplication facts.  However, until they know all their facts, they need a strategy.  Counting by the numbers is the easiest strategy to learn.  Therefore, I have added counting by the numbers to the end of each and every video.  Children who do not know all their multiplication facts should watch and count with me at the end of each of these videos until they can count by all the number on their own.  Repetition of this strategy will help in all areas of math that require multiplication.  Once a child knows all their multiplication facts, they can stop the videos after the problem is solved and before Counting by the Numbers begins.

I have scaffold the problems in each lesson. 

The first problem in this article is a “Watch Me” problem.  The second is a “Work with Me” problem.  All the rest are “On Your Own” problems. 

*If your child needs a bit more support, they should complete the “On Your Own” problems as a “Work with Me” problem.  I have a number of students with gaps in their learning and others with a variety of  learning disabilities.  I have had incredible success, by having those students complete 5 to 7 problems within each lesson as a “Work with Me” problem.  They play a bit of the video, then pause it  and copy, then watch a bit more, pause it and copy.  My students Play – Pause – and Copy until the entire problem is solved.  This is like having a personal tutor working through each and every problem with your child.  Every one of my students who has used this strategy has passed the Common Core Proficiency Exam.

How to do Long Division with Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 1
Watch Me
Rock Climbing on a Sunny Day

You are an expert rock climber.  Your favorite thing to do on a sunny day is to climb a challenging escarpment.  This rock face is 559 feet high.  You climb to the top in just 86 minutes.  On an average, how many feet do you climb per minute?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Press PLAY and Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video below.  Then copy these strategies into your notes!

How to do Long Division with Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 2
Work With Me
Cloud Eating Camel

You are a scientist studying the strange occurrence of camels eating clouds.  This camel has eaten 108 clouds in just 48 hours.  On average, how many clouds did this camel eat per hour?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Gather your materials and press PLAY.  We’ll solve this problem together, while you watch the math tutorial video below.

How to do Long Division with Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 3
On Your Own
Nectar Guzzling Hummingbird

You are an ornithologist.  That’s a scientist who studies every aspect of birds, including their songs, their flight patterns, their physical appearances, and their migration patterns.  Today, you are studying the beautiful hummingbird.  This bird has drunk 703 milligrams of nectar in just 76 hours.  On average, how many milligrams of nectar has this bird drank per hour?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Once you complete the problem – Hit PLAY on the math tutorial video below.  Good Luck!

How to do Long Division with Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 4
On Your Own
Praying Mantis to the Rescue

You and your family just moved to a beautiful house that is surrounded by a deep forest of trees.  Unfortunately, there are hundreds of wasps, crickets, beetles, and black widow spiders.  You get 28 praying mantises as pets, because you heard that they eat wasps, crickets, and beetles, but that their favorite food is black widow spiders.  There are a total of 462 wasps, crickets, beetles, and black widow spiders in your yard.  If each praying mantis eats the same number of insects, how many insects does each praying mantis eat?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!
Once you complete the problem – Hit PLAY on the math tutorial video below.  Good Luck!

How to do Long Division with Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 5
On Your Own
Tiffany Tiger

Tiffany Tiger is thirsty.  She drinks 250 ounces of water with 40 laps of her tongue.  If she gets the same amount of water with each lap of her tongue, then how many ounces of water does Tiffany Tiger get with each lap of her tongue?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!
Once you complete the problem – Hit PLAY on the math tutorial video below.  Good Luck!

Want More Tutorials?

Discover the transformative power of learning with TeachersDungeon today. Dive into a world where education meets adventure, empowering students from grades 3 to 6 with personalized math instruction that adapts to their needs. Whether you’re an educator looking to enrich classroom learning or a parent seeking to support your child’s academic journey, The Teacher’s Dungeon offers interactive gameplay, instant help with video tutorials, and comprehensive progress tracking through its Stats Page. Visit The Teacher’s Dungeon’s website now to explore how our innovative approach can elevate your child’s math education. Embark on this exciting educational journey with us and watch your students thrive!

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