
How to Multiply Fractions (like 2/3 x 1/4) with Free Online Tutoring in Math

How to Multiply Fractions (like 2/3 x 1/4)
Unlock the secrets of multiplying fractions with our latest blog post, the tenth article in our comprehensive eleven-part series!

Each article in this series follows a cyclical learning approach, providing complete lessons on fractions and guiding your child step-by-step through the learning process.

Multiplying fractions can be perplexing. Why does multiplying 2/3 by 1/4 result in an answer smaller than both 2/3 and 1/4? Shouldn’t multiplication make numbers bigger? The answer becomes clear when children learn to illustrate mathematical models. These visual aids show why 2/3 x 1/4 results in a smaller product. Without this illustration, many children struggle to understand the concept, leading to confusion and frustration in higher levels of math.

In our blog post, your child will:

  • Learn to Illustrate Multiplication: Visual models help clarify why multiplying fractions often results in smaller numbers.
  • Build a Strong Foundation: Step-by-step lessons ensure your child thoroughly understands each concept.
  • Achieve Long-term Success: A solid grasp of fractions is crucial for future mathematical success.

Visit our website ( for a comprehensive educational program designed to help kids become proficient in mathematics. By mastering these concepts, your child will gain a deeper, more concrete understanding of dividing fractions, paving the way for a successful educational journey. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource—empower your child’s learning today!

Articles within this series on Fractions:

  1. How to do fractions, Free Online Tutoring in Math for Understanding Fractions
  2. How to Add Fractions (like 4/7 + 3/7 )
  3. How to Subtract Fractions (like 8/9 – 4/9 )
  4. How to Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators (like 2/3 + 3/4 )
  5. How to Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators (like 2/3 – 1/4)
  6. How to Add Fractions that are Mixed Numbers (like 2 & 3/4 + 3 & 5/6 )
  7. How to Subtract Fractions that are Mixed Numbers (like 3 & 3/4 – 2 & 5/6)
  8. How to Multiply Fractions (like 2/3 x 5 )
  9. How to Divide Fractions (like 6 ÷ ¾ )
  10. How to Multiply Fractions (like 2/3 x 1/4)
  11. How to Divide Fractions (like ½ ÷ ¼)

Solving problems that deal with fractions is simple when you develop a concrete understanding.  I have had incredible results with with the students in my class!  The strategies taught within this article work with children who have ADHD, Dyslexia, and other learning disabilities.  Virtually every one of my students who has learned the strategies within this HOW TO DO FRACTIONS article has passed the standards based assessment for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.

I have scaffold the problems in each lesson. 

The first problem in this article is a “Watch Me” problem.  The second is a “Work with Me” problem.  All the rest are “On Your Own” problems. 

*If your child needs a bit more support, they should complete the “On Your Own” problems as a “Work with Me” problem.  I have a number of students with gaps in their learning and others with a variety of  learning disabilities.  I have had incredible success, by having those students complete 5 to 7 problems within each lesson as a “Work with Me” problem.  They play a bit of the video, then pause it  and copy, then watch a bit more, pause it and copy.  My students Play – Pause – and Copy until the entire problem is solved.  This is like having a personal tutor working through each and every problem with your child.  Every one of my students who has used this strategy has passed the Common Core Proficiency Exam.

How to Multiply Fractions
Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge
Watch Me
Ferlon the High-Fiving Tortoise

Ferlon may be slow, but he is friendliest critter this side of the Mississippi River. He is constantly high-fiving all his friends as he walks through his neighborhood. Today, he walked 5/7 kilometers.

If Ferlon high-fives his friends for 3/8 of the time he is walking, what portion of the kilometers is Ferlon the High-Fiving Tortoise Exhibiting his friendly nature to all his friends?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Press PLAY and Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video below.  Then copy these strategies into your notes!

How to Multiply Fractions
Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 2
Work With Me
Pinky Tuskadaro the Calculating Orangutan

Meet Pinky Tuskadaro. He’s a mathematical genius! Pinky has to use his fingers and toes, but he can add, subtract, multiply, and divide.  As a mater of fact, Pinky spends 6/7 of his waking hours calculating mathematical facts.

If Pinky is awake 3/5 of the day, how much of the day does Pinky Tuskadaro the Calculating Orangutan spend calculating mathematical problems?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Gather your materials and press PLAY.  We’ll solve this problem together, while you watch the math tutorial video below.

Do your children get frustrated when they make a mistake?

We all make mistakes.  As a matter of fact, making mistakes is an essential part of the learning process.  This is why at the end of each of the following “On Your Own” challenges I encourage children to fix their mistakes.  Finding and fixing your own mistake is the fastest way to learn.

How to Multiply Fractions
Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 3
On Your Own
Wrong Way John

Wrong Way John is a wandering giraffe. He is constantly turning the wrong way, getting stuck in the brambles, and loosing his way. Last week he traveled 3/4 miles.

If he gets lost 3/8 of the time he is traveling, what portion of the miles is Wrong Way John lost?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Once you complete the problem – Hit PLAY on the math tutorial video below.  Good Luck!

How to Multiply Fractions
Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 4
On Your Own
Stone Cold Kelly

Stone Cold Kelly just won the Annual Amazon Stare Down Contest.  She defeated Stella Stork, Marvin Monkey, and even last year’s champion, One-Eyed Ervin Eagle, Stone Cold Kelly won by staring straight into her opponent’s eye for minutes at a time without blinking.  Stone Cold Kelly trains 5/6 of her waking hours.

If she only blinks 1/6 of the time that she is training, what portion of her waking hours is Stone Cold Kelly blinking?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Once you complete the problem – Hit PLAY on the math tutorial video below.  Good Luck!

How to Multiply Fractions
Online Tutoring in Math: Challenge 5
On Your Own
Pelican Pete

Pelican Pete loves the game of golf.  However, he plays the game a bit differently than humans.  Pelican Pete soars overhead looking for a golfer that is about to tee-off.  When the golfer steps back to look at the roll of the land, contemplating how he plans to hit the ball, Pelican Pete swoops in and scoops up the ball.  He holds the golf ball in his mouth and flies toward the green.  As he nears the hole, Pelican Pete pushes the ball out with his tongue and watches as it rolls toward the hole.

If Pelican Pete steals a golf ball from 2/5 for the golfers he sees and makes a hole-in-one 3/5 of the time, what portion of his game-play is rewarded with a hole-in-one?

Watch this Free Tutoring for Math Video!

Once you complete the problem – Hit PLAY on the math tutorial video below.  Good Luck!

Want More Tutorials?

Discover the transformative power of learning with TeachersDungeon today. Dive into a world where education meets adventure, empowering students from grades 3 to 6 with personalized math instruction that adapts to their needs. Whether you’re an educator looking to enrich classroom learning or a parent seeking to support your child’s academic journey, The Teacher’s Dungeon offers interactive gameplay, instant help with video tutorials, and comprehensive progress tracking through its Stats Page. Visit The Teacher’s Dungeon’s website now to explore how our innovative approach can elevate your child’s math education. Embark on this exciting educational journey with us and watch your students thrive!

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